About Me
Hi! My name is Dovid Bulgatz and I'm 21 years old. I am a socially awkward, semi-talented, Jewish nerd, living in Chicago. I like writing stories and telling jokes. By the end of the year I will finally have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a minor in Communications, Media, and Theatre Arts. If I had the guts, I'd probably do stand-up comedy, but if you recall the previous sentence, I'm not that confident around people. So here's a website instead!
My goal with this website is to showcase my creativity and give the world the oppurtunity (they never asked for) to get a glimpse into my mind and maybe get something out of it. Whether it is a piece I've written, a comic I've drawn, or an Origami model that I've created, I hope you, the reader, enjoy it!
And who knows where this will lead me if enough of you all like any of this?
Feel free to contact me about whatever. If you would like to buy a piece of Origami I've made, nominate me for a Pulitzer, or if you want my advice for what Movie to watch, go ahead! And honestly, take advantage of this while I'm not famous yet, because once I am, the response message will just be an automatic e-mail saying I don't know, watch Interstellar.