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Another lousy update

Hello reader(s) of this blog just barely managing to keep to one post a month. I figured I should let you in on what’s been going on with me.

It’s been super hectic and will continue to be until at least mid-October. Why? In July Myself, my brother, sister, and mother were kicked out of our house. Fortunately, we anticipated that would happen and we moved to California. Two and a half months later we found a new place to move in to and the move-in day is coming up!

I promise I have loads of great stories to share about this crazy-ass summer, but that won’t happen for quite a while. Not to mention, it’s not over yet…

I know what you’re thinking, “That’s it? You couldn’t write something all this time beside half a review for Battle Angel: Alita?”

As a matter of fact I have been writing a lot of more long-form stuff that aren’t ready yet to share at all. Except a while back I mentioned I was writing a story based on “Sleeping Beauty”, and I’m a lot closer to finally finishing it! I promise, it’s really good!

As for this blog, I have so many scrapped posts and half-written articles that I found not good enough to even post! Sometimes it was an idea that sputtered out and other times it was just irrelevant to anything.

So stay tuned for something… I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep so I can only say that I WILL post at least one thing in October… even though I’d like to shoot for two (or even more than that.)

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